Thread: Latency....
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Old 11-24-2003, 08:16 PM
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dnanian dnanian is offline
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Well, you're splitting a fairly small pipe between an awful lot of devices.

There are two limiting factors here: the speed of the server (the iBook) and its ability to service three clients, and the network bandwidth required to do that and stream the music around.

I think it's more likely that the iBook is having trouble keeping up with the CPU requirements of netTunes and iTunes and the wireless networking than it is a network bandwidth issue. But it's relatively easy to see: start up CPU Monitor (or Activity Monitor in Panther), and check to see if you're saturating the CPU.

You might be able to improve performance by tuning the display quality -- you'll find that in the netTunes client preferences.

I can say that I have an 800MHz iMac running as the server here, running bridged using two AirPort Extreme base stations (though, previously, I was doing this with PhoneNet). I've connected three clients to it without a huge problem, but the more clients, the more it's going to slow... there's only so much that can be doing with the CPU requirements for copying that much screen data being what they are...
--Dave Nanian
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