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Old 07-06-2006, 11:48 AM
MacAfrican MacAfrican is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 5
thank you, just reading the manual actually worked (for a change )

I'm setting up an 80 Mb partition on my second internal on which I'll do my weeklies and then I'll do my monthly on an external firewire.

Q1: For that external, should I partition it so that I then get a partition on which I backup the main system stuff and which is bootable, and then a second partition onto which I backup my data files like pictures & video?

Q2: How do I figure out the size of these partitions? I presume the backup is going to backup the whole shooting match (OS, installed applications, etc). Does SD backup my whole primary disk (which is presently set up with a system partition, font partition and a third partition onto which I install applications), or will it backup system only?
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