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macWish 12-06-2010 01:06 PM

Errors on MacBook and Clone
I checked the hard drive on my MacBook, using Applejack in single user mode. The following errors were found and repaired:

"Invalid volume file count: should be 541466, but is 541469.
Invalid volume directory: should be 126917, but is 126914."

[The numbers are correct, but the details of quote may not be]

Applejack then automatically ran disk repair again and repaired the errors.

I then booted from a external hard drive to which I had cloned my MacBook with Superduper!. I ran Disk Warrior just to check on Applejack's repair ability and detected no errors with either program.

However, when I rebooted my MacBack and checked the external cloned hard drive, it had the identical errors as the MacBook, namely,

"Invalid volume file count: should be 541466, but is 541469.
Invalid volume directory: should be 126917, but is 126914."

In spite of the errors detected both by Applejack and Disk Warrior, both the MacBook and cloned drive appeared to be working without any problems before and after being repaired.

However, I thought that when SuperDuper! cloned a drive, it corrected any repairable errors in the directory.

Core 2 Duo 2Ghz MacBook, OS X 10.6.5.

dnanian 12-06-2010 01:15 PM

It doen't 'correct' errors, no. But we don't copy at a low level: we copy at a high level, file by file. As such, we never touch the directory directly. Why you had the same error I have no idea - but it's not really a SD! issue of 'copying' those errors.

macWish 12-06-2010 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by dnanian (Post 30037)
It doen't 'correct' errors, no. But we don't copy at a low level: we copy at a high level, file by file. As such, we never touch the directory directly. Why you had the same error I have no idea - but it's not really a SD! issue of 'copying' those errors.

As usual, you win the prize for immediate answers to queries. Thanks for correcting my wrong impression of what SuperDuper! does when it clones.

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