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camner 05-25-2008 12:23 AM

accidently put machine to sleep during backup
I accidently (carelessly!) manually put my Mac Pro to sleep in the middle of a full backup being made by SD! Of course, everything stopped. When I woke the machine up just a few minutes later, SD! resumed.

What should I assume, if anything, about the state of the backup? Should I assume it may be corrupted and do a complete erase and full backup? A "smart" backup? Or just assume SD! was able to resume without a problem?

Also, only tangentially related, putting the Mac Pro to sleep via the System Services seems to be a hibernation (no noises, fans off, etc.), whereas letting the machine "sleep itself" by walking away from it and letting the energy saving system prefs do its magic seems a "lighter" sleep (fans still on). Does anyone know if this is expected behavior?

dnanian 05-25-2008 08:49 AM

It should be fine, but you can always re-run your Smart Update.

If your fans are on, it sounds like the Mac isn't really asleep at all.

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