We're happy to announce Beta 2 of SuperDuper! v3.9, our initial cut at a Sequoia compatible release.

"Wait!", you might say, "Beta 2? Did you guys hit your heads on something?"

Well, maybe. But Beta 1 of this was a non-public external beta that's been in process for months for other things. To ensure all those users get updated too, this first public Beta for Sequoia is Beta 2.

You can deal. It'll be OK.


Back in 2018, when we released Smart Delete, I wrote the following:

We're also supporting Mojave in 3.2 with one small caveat: for the moment, we've opted out of Dark Mode. We just didn't have enough time to finish our Dark Mode implementation, didn't like what we had, and rather than delay things, decided to keep it in the lab for more testing and refinement. It'll be in a future update.

So...yeah. It's been a little while. But the wait is over: SuperDuper v3.9 includes Dark Mode support, and banishes our old textured window to the land of shadows.

(please clap) (pause for cheers)

Note that this also means that macOS 10.13, High Sierra, is the minimum macOS version for v3.9.

(please keep clapping)


Apple, and other cloud providers, have been slowly moving to the new Cloud Storage structure. Now that it's stabilized, embraced, and seems to be working in a predictable fashion, we've turned on our ability to copy local Cloud files, while intelligently skipping the files and folders that have local "stubs".

This should speed up Smart Update significantly, and eliminate some "can't delete" errors you may or may not have experienced. (If you did, and got in touch, the fix I sent you was a version of Beta 1, and you will automatically receive this version. If you don't, please select Check for Update... in the SuperDuper! menu.)

Tall Trees

This version of SuperDuper works under the Sequoia beta, and makes full backups. We've verified that restoration is possible, and that the OS gets replicated, but expect that boot will be unstable, at least until Apple gets further into the process.

Remember: the backup does not have to boot to be fully restorable—the OS is in its own, read-only volume and can be readily installed via Recovery, build images, external installers, etc.

Short and Sweet

So that's it—there are various little fixes throughout.

As is always the case with our Beta versions, installing this will move you to the "Beta" channel for automatic updates. You will receive all of the Beta versions of v3.9 until its release.

Once the final version comes out, it will also be offered and on install you'll be back to the "Production" channel, and will not receive Beta updates until you install any future Beta. It’s pretty cool.


Download SuperDuper! v3.9 B2