Happy Thanksgiving, for those who celebrate.
Whenever there's a new, major release, there's an inevitable set of problems that weren't caught during testing (even the long public beta). We've got those mostly taken care of in the new 3.3.1 update, released today.
Most users having problems are running macOS 10.10 or 10.11. Here's the list:
- 10.10 users had an immediate failure with a dyld error due to a release build mess-up on our side. In addition, on some systems, there was a digital signature validation issue. We've corrected both in this update.
- Users with unusual characters in their drive names (eg "ΓΈ") were getting errors on all OS versions. This should be fixed.
- There was a problem with drive names with quote marks in them (eg "Fred's MacBook Pro 17" Backup"). Fixed.
- Read-only images would sometimes generate a symbol substitution error. Not any more.
There's one remaining issue for 10.10 and 10.11 users: Erase, then copy backups are failing due to some unexpected "volume transformation" events that are occurring. When we validate the result, we're being quite cautious, and we're not seeing what we expect, so we fail the copy.
That isn't yet fixed, because it's going to take some very careful investigation and, well, Thanksgiving. The workaround is to use Smart Update. If you need to erase, you can erase with Disk Utility, and then run Smart Update.
If you are unregistered, need to run a backup on macOS 10.10 or 10.11, and you're running into this issue, you can Download v3.2.5 here.
The update is available through the normal built-in updater, or you can...
OK, back to celebrating with the family. Enjoy, everyone.