I just wanted to give a bit of a Heads-Up to Teh Internets Users who might be relying on the Restore tab of the DVD that came with their Intel Mac.
Unfortunately, the copy of Disk Utility that’s on those DVDs (I’ve checked the one for the MacBook Pro and the iMac, but I don’t have an Intel Mac mini to test with) has a non-functioning Restore tab: the tab relies on drag-and-drop to set the destination volume (if you’re not using an image, the source as well), and—due to what looks to be a bug in this specific version of the utility—drag and drop does not work in the volume sidebar.
This means it’s not possible to restore a volume when booted from this DVD (regardless of how that volume was created). If you’re relying on the DVD’s restore functionality, I suggest installing a minimal system to a small partition on an external drive instead, as the Disk Utility that’s part of Tiger itself works just fine.
But these days, for doing basic backup of my Mac, the single best app is SuperDuper. Their website, their software, the pricing, the overall design philosophy - all of it is perfectly integrated. They are a great little company with a great little product. I hope they do well!
via Troy Angrignon - Adventure Capitalist. Thanks, Troy!
Pick of the week! Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Patience is a virtue Thursday, March 09, 2006
Shirt Pocket announces the immediate availability of SuperDuper! 2.1, the Intel Mac-compatible Universal version of SuperDuper.
Of course, we haven’t just recompiled for Intel—we’ve added new features, polished existing ones, reworked the documentation—all to improve the popular, Eddy Award winning disk copying utility for Mac OS X.
SuperDuper 2.1 adds all this to the impressive improvements of 2.0, including: the ability to easily schedule backups; additional imaging options; more control over shutdown; better AppleScript support; hundreds of UI improvements; and a completely rewritten, task-based User’s Guide.
SuperDuper 2.1 supports both Intel and Power PC Macs running Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later, and is a free update for existing users. The unregistered version will perform full backups for free. Registration costs $27.95, and includes many additional timesaving features, including Smart Update for faster backups, Scheduling, and others.
More information, as well as a download link, can be found at
Thanks for waiting, everyone!
Intel Mac I/O Speed Monday, March 06, 2006
As you probably know from a previous post, we’re working on Universal versions of all of Shirt Pocket’s applications, including SuperDuper. (We’re in late-stage testing with SuperDuper, and it should be out reasonably soon.)
One thing we’ve been able to confirm: disk I/O on the Intel Macs is much faster than it is on the Power PC ones—seemingly about twice as fast.
In fact, SuperDuper builds about twice as fast on the MacBook as it does on a dual-2.5Ghz G5 desktop, and that’s primarily I/O related.
Horn tootin’ Monday, February 27, 2006
As backing up is even less exciting than doing your tax return and certainly easier to forget, an application named SuperDuper! takes care of the chore daily and automatically. It’s the first back-up application for the Mac that speaks to you in English rather than Geek and works perfectly. Ever the Doubting Thomas, I check the ‘bootability’ of the external drive monthly and compare the files sizes on the two 250 gB Lacies weekly to see that they remain identical.
via Thomas Pindelski’s Photographs, Photographers and Photography. Thanks, Thomas!
Unremovable files Monday, February 20, 2006
One of the interesting things that happens when you do a “live” backup—that is, back up the volume that you’re booted from—is copy files that are currently open.
Normally, this isn’t a huge problem. But, on occasion, things go horribly w0rng. This is a story of one of those things that happens every so often with SuperDuper, and what we’ve done about it. It’s a mite technical, but hopefully interesting.
As you probably know, under OS X files have an owner, a group, and a “mode”. These three things work together to determine who can read, write, execute and do other things to the files on your system.
Less well known are the “flags” that are associated with the files as well. For example, the “immutable” flag—uchg—can be set to prevent a file from being modified, regardless of its “mode”. There are a number of flags that can be associated with files and SuperDuper needs to properly replicate them when copying.
So far so good.
Every so often, though, we get reports of users who have files on their destination volumes that can’t be removed during Smart Update. The error always looks like this:
| 06:02:18 PM | Info | Warning: error clearing immutable flags: 77600100 for: /Volumes/G5/private/tmp/sort9qlI6c
| 06:02:18 PM | Info | Error removing item: /Volumes/G5/private/tmp/sort9qlI6c of type: 100000, Operation not permitted
| 06:02:18 PM | Error | SDCopy: Error deleting /Volumes/G5/private/tmp/sort9qlI6c
| 06:02:18 PM | Error | : Operation not permitted
We found that we needed to remove a file on the destination. But when we tried to clear its immutable flag, we couldn’t. The only solution was to use Erase, then copy which—while it worked—was inconvenient.
We were recently finally able to reproduce the issue in house, and what we found was quite curious.
When a file is being written at the same time we’re backing it up, it’s possible for that file to look “weird” in the file system. When the above happens, it seems that the directory entry isn’t completely updated, and—in this unusual state—some flags are set that result in the above behavior. Here’s the above file’s directory entry, listed with “ls -lo” (which lists flags too):
---s-wS--- 1 nobody 3221220928 sappnd,arch,schg 524237 Dec 31 1969 sort9qlI6c
So, weird stuff. The group is complete garbage, and the sappnd and schg flags are set. And—worse—since the system returned that junk to us, we faithfully replicated it on the copy.
Why worse, you might ask? Because while you can set the sappnd and schg flags, you cannot reset them while booted normally. And, schg is the “system immutable” flag: it prevents the file from being deleted. Once you have this flag set, that file’s going nowhere.
The reason for this is that FreeBSD—the Unix that OS X is built on top of—has a concept of “security levels”. By default, our Macs boot up and run in “Secure level 1”, which prevents anyone from writing in certain folders like /dev/mem and /dev/kmem, even with escalated privileges (such as “root” access). And, in secure level 1, schg and sappnd flags cannot be removed.
And how can you get to securelevel 0 or -1, where they can? You have to boot into single user mode.
(You can learn some more about the various BSD security levels at this page.)
Yikes! What that means is once you’ve set these flags, you’ve basically got to go super-geek to unset them.
It’s clear we can’t ask our users to reboot into single user mode to fix this kind of thing, so we decided that the best thing is to detect the “garbage” case as best we could, and—in that situation—mask out the schg and sappnd flags when copying. The data we’re given by the OS is still wrong, but at least the copy won’t suffer for it, and the user won’t have to erase their backup next time around.
This fix, as well as some other stuff I’ll be talking about over the next few days (including native Intel support), will be coming in v2.1 of SuperDuper—keep an eye out for it!
The Simple Life Friday, February 10, 2006
"norrebo” blogs about his experiences backing up his PowerBook to an HFS+ volume that he also accesses from his Windows machines using Mediafour’s MacDrive:
The total cost for this adventure was $265.94 ($188 for the disk, $27.95, for SuperDuper!, and $49.99 for MacDrive). But knowing that I’ve got a bootable image of my Powerbook disk? Priceless.
via The Simple Life.
Glad you like it, “norrebo”, and thanks for sharing the technique you use!
Getting Right Back to Work Thursday, February 02, 2006
Khoi Vinh, late of Behavior (now the Design Director for the New York Times) and the genius of grid-based designs (I wish my own site looked one-one-millionth as good as stuff he tosses into the trash), recently had a catastrophic hard drive failure (all too common, believe me):
I feel very fortunate, though; immediately after the first signs of trouble, I quit my procrastination and scheduled full backups of the hard drive on alternating nights to two different external FireWire drives — aided in no small part by the sheer awesomeness of Shirt Pocket Software’s invaluable SuperDuper! product. As a result, I lossed less than a day’s worth of work; not perfect, but it could have been loads worse.
SuperDuper! made it exceedingly easy for me to create a complete, bootable mirror of my hard drive, which actually allows me to continue to use the same system — with all of my files, preferences and software tweaks intact — with another Macintosh. I pulled my old Aluminum 15-inch PowerBook G4 out of retirement and booted it from one of the backup FireWire drives.
via Subtraction, Khoi’s blog. Exactly the idea—glad SuperDuper! could be of service!
Going Universal Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Our “production” iMac hit the Shirt Pocket loading dock (aka my front step) yesterday, and I’ve been busily working on updates to netTunes and launchTunes while Bruce works on completing the next update to SuperDuper!, which looks like it will be Universal as well.†
It’s been nice to get back to Xcode after some time off (my design/marketing/documentation/support/etc duties keep me away from it more than I’d like), and it didn’t take more than a few hours to do the netTunes conversion—it’s up and running as I type, and works great.
The big challenge with netTunes was the screen “scraping”—the code has some byte-order dependencies because of pixels, and I wasn’t looking forward to re-writing the “inner loop” to handle all the various cases with Thousands and Millions of colors using both MMX and Altivec. Blegh.
Fortunately, there was an elegant solution. Since the Intel Mac is Tiger-only, I was able to make use of some the new Accelerate framework APIs to eliminate byte order dependencies and—at least under Tiger—about two pages of nasty code. Since the Intel Macs can’t run Panther, I didn’t have to change the already-working parts. The result? Both the Intel and PPC versions benefit, at least under 10.4.
It’s always a good feeling when you can delete code and leave the hardware-specific optimization up to the guys who live and breathe vector processing units, let me tell you.
Anyway, we’re working hard to get the Universal binaries out the door. Obviously, it’s important to do extensive testing using real, production hardware—and we’re doing just that.
† - Updated for the exclamation point haters. You know who you are.