Shirt Pocket

SuperDuper! v3.9.1 Now Available Saturday, September 21, 2024

For a while I thought that, maybe, I'd somehow managed to delete the v3.9 blog post. But, it looks like, somehow, I didn't write it, maybe? I don't even know any more.

No Matter

Well, in the end, it's OK, because the semi-inevitable point release is out—v3.9.1—and fixes an issue that was causing Catalina (10.15)'s dynamic library cache builder to crash.

While we were working on that we turned off updates for 10.15 and earlier, so now that it's fixed we've enabled updates for all supported versions of macOS.

So, welcome to v3.9/v3.9.1, our Sequoia compatible release! Woo! Cue the orchestra!

Wait a Sec...

Yes, I said "all supported", but nothing to worry about. The only slightly unusual thing is that we had to drop support for some versions of macOS in this release: 10.10, 10.11 and 10.12. v3.8 is still available for those who are running those older versions—and remember, we have versions available going all the way back to Panther or something, so if you're a fan of lickable interface elements, we've got you covered.

It Comes at Night

Don't worry - this wasn't arbitrary. In exchange for those dropped versions, we were able to bring you Dark Mode support, as many have already noticed. So no longer will you have to shield your eyes as the distressing glare of a white background assaults your senses. You can finally back up while placing your sunglasses to the side.

Cloudy with a Chance of Stubs

In this version, we're also handling "dataless" files and folders explicitly, and the way Apple itself suggests. That is, we copy files that are on your local drive, and we do not copy (or materialize/download) files or folders that are cloud-only.

This will work for all cloud services that make use of Apple's FileProvider framework, not just iCloud. So if you're using an outdated version of your preferred cloud service, ensure you've installed the one that uses Apple's API.


So there you go. Existing copies will offer the update automatically (or you can manually check for updates, as always). Note that if SuperDuper doesn't quit and relaunch after it updates, you should quit and restart it yourself or you will get an error.

It's a satisfying update, with a few new features, additional polish, various fixes, and a whole new blog post, which I definitely wrote this time, and did not accidentally delete, or imagine.

I think. Man, it'd really suck if I dreamed I wrote this and had to do it again. Here's hoping it's real!

Download SuperDuper! v3.9.1

Quick Fix Friday, September 13, 2024

Not much to say, other than "we fixed a bug".

SuperDuper checks the version of the OS on a give drive by checking the SystemVersion.plist, which is stored in /System/Library/CoreServices.

On some systems, we've found that that file is missing a value that we assumed would always be there. That assumption led to a crash at launch for some (two) people.

This version fixes that problem.

Download SuperDuper v3.9 B5

New macOS / Adoption Tuesday, September 10, 2024

tl;dr (although this is unlikely to be "l") - SuperDuper v3.9 Beta 4 is now available for download. This is the release candidate for v3.9.

(St|F)umbling Towards Sequoia

Probably the wrong headline, since our Sequoia testing has gone well. Beta 4 has some changes that fix a longstanding minor-but-annoying issue: an 'unlocked' copy of SuperDuper, if launched from a backup drive (typically because a user launches from Spotlight, and it returns the wrong copy), fails when it tries to run.

The reason for this is technical, but basically the authorized part of the app is not authorized when run from an external drive, for security reasons. As such, it fails, and it used to do this in an obnoxious way.

Well, now, we recognize this case and prompt for a password. We also update the "lock text" to reflect the restriction (you can't unlock when run from an external, non-boot drive).

Yes, hold onto your butts—this beta release is exactly that exciting.


After the rather sad postscript to the last blog post, I'm happy to announce the arrival of the fourth under-the-desk dog: Cooper!

After Haku's passing, a veterinary technician, who works with Zabeth, let her know that a 4-year old Bernese had been surrendered by a couple who were going to euthanize him, and that he was available for adoption. We headed up to Lowell Animal Hospital, met with him, and decided he was perfect.

He's been an "instant dog", fit into the family perfectly, and has been a delight over the past few weeks.


So that's about it! Download away, and let us know if you have any issues. Barring unexpected surprises, the final version to be out day-and-date with Sequoia's release next week.

Download SuperDuper! v3.9 B4

Polishing (and RIP Haku) Friday, July 05, 2024

Executive Summary

v3.9 B3 is now out, with additional polish and tweaks to our cloud handling, some fixes for dark mode and the like. It will be offered as an automatic update for existing v3.9 Beta users, or you can download it here.

Download SuperDuper! v3.9 B3

It's (Almost) the Weekend Non-Summary

Not much negative to report about the previous Beta—the feedback has been good, our internal testing has been successful, and in general this looks like a pretty uneventful update, in a good way.

That makes a lot of sense, given the work we'd done behind the scenes before the 1st beta ever came out, but it's nice when a plan comes together.

Sweet. Some Monsterism.

We've noticed that, on occasion, "dataless" cloud files and folder proxies can get into strange states on the backup where, quite literally, nothing can delete them. In these situations, we have no choice but to throw up our hands and continue.

We're not sure how they get this way (especially since we're not copying them...but the fix is an Erase, then copy backup (Options > During copy) followed by a Smart Update (ditto).


I just wanted to take a minute here to celebrate the life of my dog Haku, who died on July 1st, at about 8.75 years old, of a combination of Lymphoma and Wobbler's.

SuperDuper has been a 3 Dog Project (so far): first Ketzl, then Taiko and now Haku. All have been Bernese Mountain Dogs, and all three were, truly, great pups.

Haku, though, was even more special. He was a big dog, 135lbs at his (healthy) peak, but the gentlest giant you can imagine. He was the mayor of our neighborhood, and loved not just by us, but by everyone who was lucky enough to meet him.

Even through the challenges of the slow deterioration that Wobbler's brings, and the difficulty of treating Lymphoma, he was happy, friendly, and engaged, always wanting to visit his favorite spots on our daily walks, always greeting his fans who we would meet along the way.

Here's a little video from over that weekend.

He'll be hard to replace, and is truly missed.

Here's the beta:

Download SuperDuper! v3.9 B3

Shadows and Tall Trees Wednesday, June 12, 2024

We're happy to announce Beta 2 of SuperDuper! v3.9, our initial cut at a Sequoia compatible release.

"Wait!", you might say, "Beta 2? Did you guys hit your heads on something?"

Well, maybe. But Beta 1 of this was a non-public external beta that's been in process for months for other things. To ensure all those users get updated too, this first public Beta for Sequoia is Beta 2.

You can deal. It'll be OK.


Back in 2018, when we released Smart Delete, I wrote the following:

We're also supporting Mojave in 3.2 with one small caveat: for the moment, we've opted out of Dark Mode. We just didn't have enough time to finish our Dark Mode implementation, didn't like what we had, and rather than delay things, decided to keep it in the lab for more testing and refinement. It'll be in a future update.

So...yeah. It's been a little while. But the wait is over: SuperDuper v3.9 includes Dark Mode support, and banishes our old textured window to the land of shadows.

(please clap) (pause for cheers)

Note that this also means that macOS 10.13, High Sierra, is the minimum macOS version for v3.9.

(please keep clapping)


Apple, and other cloud providers, have been slowly moving to the new Cloud Storage structure. Now that it's stabilized, embraced, and seems to be working in a predictable fashion, we've turned on our ability to copy local Cloud files, while intelligently skipping the files and folders that have local "stubs".

This should speed up Smart Update significantly, and eliminate some "can't delete" errors you may or may not have experienced. (If you did, and got in touch, the fix I sent you was a version of Beta 1, and you will automatically receive this version. If you don't, please select Check for Update... in the SuperDuper! menu.)

Tall Trees

This version of SuperDuper works under the Sequoia beta, and makes full backups. We've verified that restoration is possible, and that the OS gets replicated, but expect that boot will be unstable, at least until Apple gets further into the process.

Remember: the backup does not have to boot to be fully restorable—the OS is in its own, read-only volume and can be readily installed via Recovery, build images, external installers, etc.

Short and Sweet

So that's it—there are various little fixes throughout.

As is always the case with our Beta versions, installing this will move you to the "Beta" channel for automatic updates. You will receive all of the Beta versions of v3.9 until its release.

Once the final version comes out, it will also be offered and on install you'll be back to the "Production" channel, and will not receive Beta updates until you install any future Beta. It’s pretty cool.


Download SuperDuper! v3.9 B2

Snow Ventura Tuesday, September 26, 2023

As surely as spring follows winter, and summer follows spring, macOS release season follows summer.

And with that, nearly always, a new version of SuperDuper!

I'm happy to announce the immediate availability of SuperDuper! v3.8, which bring Sonoma compatibility, along with some other minor changes.

You can read about the changes in other blog posts here, but for now, you can use the built-in updater to install v3.8 or, if you'd like, you can

Download SuperDuper! v3.8

and install all on your own.

Enjoy the new version!

Prompting Problems Monday, September 18, 2023

tl;dr - SuperDuper! v3.8 B2 now available. Includes some fixes for pre-Sonoma users, and a UI enhancement.

Download SuperDuper! v3.8 B2

Guidance vs. Annoyance

Designing UIs involves a certain amount of compromise. You want to give the user the freedom to do what they want...but you also want to guide them to do the right thing if they're going to make a mistake.

Sometimes, that's easy: you disable items, provide sensible defaults, and minimize areas where mistakes can be made. For example, we disable the "Repair Permissions" option when macOS doesn't support it; you can't make a copy until you've selected a source and destination;

Other times, you are warning them about a bad situation. This is usually done with a confirmation prompt, such as when you're going to run a copy. Here you just want the user to make sure they understand what they're doing.

Of course, you don't want to over prompt, and you don't want to annoy the user. (Looking at you, Apple security prompts.)

The Problem

One thing I see sometimes are schedules set up with "Erase, then copy".

Generally—as in 99+% of the time—you do not want to schedule an "Erase, then copy" backup. It's more dangerous, it's slower, and, on Big Sur and later, it will typically fail if the screen is asleep due to weird behavior of Apple's replicator.

I usually want to do "what the user asks". But here, they're asking for something bad. And while they may know they want to do my experience over the last almost-20-years (omg), they usually don't.

But Sometimes You Need UI, Part 2

So, I finally resolved to do something about this situation.

Now, when you try to schedule an Erase, then copy backup, you'll get a prompt that explains that you probably don't want to do this...and a few buttons that let you schedule a Smart Update instead, schedule the Erase if you really want to, or (of course) Cancel.

It won't be shown very often, so hopefully it won't be annoying. We'll have to see. I'm sure those of you who are annoyed will let me know.

Clicky click

So there you go. New beta, new fixes, a UI update. All there's left to do is

Download SuperDuper! v3.8 B2


Sonoma! Monday, September 11, 2023


v3.8 B1 is out, with support for macOS Sonoma! You can download it from here:

Download SuperDuper! v3.8 B1

It's Beta Season!

Hey, folks! We're back and we're happy to be bringing full Sonoma support to SuperDuper.

In general, v3.7.5 works well with Sonoma already, and this release is focused on fixing the few issues we've run into and polishing things a bit.

What's New

Sonoma is a little bit of a "Snow Ventura" release and hasn't affected SuperDuper a lot. That's both good and bad.

Good because it means that we haven't had to change a ton to get things working properly.

Bad because Apple has not improved its support for bootable backups. Their tool, required for copying the OS, remains quite fussy, sometimes doesn't work, etc. It's something we have no control over, though, so we're doing the best we can with the options available.

Backing Up on Big Sur and Later

As has been the case since Big Sur, the general way to use SuperDuper is:

  • Start with an Erase, then copy backup, which will use Apple's tool to replicate the OS.
  • Update that backup with "Backup - all files" with "Smart Update" in between OS updates.
  • When you want to update the OS on the backup, repeat the "Erase, then copy".

One thing that's important to remember is that you can install the OS over the backup at any time to update it. That will update the OS and system applications, while leaving your data, settings and applications intact.

This means that even if you forget to update the OS, you can do it later...and, you can restore even if you don't have an OS on the backup at all.

Wait, What?

That's right. Even if the backup has no OS on it, as long as it's a "Backup - all files" with "Smart Update", you can restore. The process is easy:

  1. Clean install the OS to the drive you want to restore to.
  2. During first boot of the new OS, you'll be prompted to restore.
  3. At that point, select the SuperDuper backup. All your applications, settings and data will be restored.

Yes, it's that simple.

Concluding Thoughts

We think you'll have success with this new Beta release. As usual, once you've installed a Beta, you will be offered additional Beta releases of v3.8 until the final release. At that point, you'll only receive "regular" updates until you install some future Beta.

Enjoy, and let us know if you have problems.

Download SuperDuper! v3.8 B1

You Got Culpa on My Mea! Saturday, January 21, 2023

One of the problems with supporting versions of macOS going back to 10.10 is that it becomes harder and harder to test older versions...and that's complicated further by Apple silicon, since you can't run an Intel VM on Apple silicon...Rosetta won't work.

Unfortunately, in v3.7.3 and v3.7.4, this has caused a problem. It's something we didn't anticipate, and, alas, it caused some minor attribute issues on older OS versions that are fixed in v3.7.5.

These problems will self-correct the next Smart Update, and never put data at risk, but they're embarassing anyway.

What Happened

During the last few months, we'd had a report that the "Date Added" attribute of files wasn't getting updated. We didn't remember exactly why that attribute wasn't copied, and when we checked it under current OS versions it seemed like it could be copied, so we implemented that in our copy engine and distributed that to some external testers.

During that process, we found a way to copy attributes that allowed us to eliminate a read operation. Basically, the fts API has a field that was populated with things we were reading separately, and we changed the copy engine to use those instead.

External testing showed why we didn't copy "Date Added" in the first place: setting it is not supported by some file systems and some versions of macOS. So, before shipping v3.7.3, we backed out that change (with a typo that caused the relase of v3.7.4), but we left in the optimization.

Unfortunately, post-v3.7.4, we received a few reports of folders that had become inacessible without elevating permissions. On investigation, this was due to the optimization: not all versions of macOS populate that field properly, and that was causing the problem.

The Solution

The solution to this was to back out the optimization, which we've done in v3.7.5, released today. Any incorrect attributes will be automatically updated next Smart Update.

Things to Improve

We wanted to turn around v3.7.4 quickly once we found the problem, which we did, but since we were backing out a change (rather than implementing a fix), we didn't put it through a full external test.

That was a mistake, especially since it involved the copy engine. And while it didn't cause any harm as such (save for embarassment), it's something we'll endeavor to not do again.

The Future

This may mean we will have to phase out "new" support of older macOS versions in future releases: beyond the testing problems, it has become hard to even set the "target" version of SuperDuper builds to 10.10.

That wouldn't mean we won't "support" older macOS versions (after all, we offer versions of SuperDuper that work with macOS all the way back to the Power PC days), but it would mean that new versions of SuperDuper may not support as many versions "back" as we'd like.

Have at It

SuperDuper v3.7.5 is available now for auto-upgrade and as a download. Thanks, as always, for your support, reports and for using SuperDuper: we appreciate it.

Wait, Hold On! Thursday, January 12, 2023

You know that thing where you put out a release, that fixes two minor crashes, but then a typo causes a different failure?

Well, welcome to SuperDuper! v3.7.3/v3.7.4, the "Can I Have a Do-Over" release.

v3.7.3 was released to correct two rare problems: both of which had to do with launching scheduled copies.

The first was a weird race condition that caused occasional crashes right at launch, but only with scheduled/scripted copies launched without loading settings. It was strange, we couldn't reproduce it internally, but it happened to a few users and we think we've run it down.

The second caused copies to terminate successfully, typically after copying all the data, before running the cleanup phase of the copy operation. This was another one we couldn't reproduce internally, but seems to be related to a singleton that was getting re-initialized in some situations. And if that doesn't mean anything to you, don't worry about it, beacuse it's fixed and all is right with the world.

Of course, all was right with the world, until we released v3.7.3 this morning, and within an hour a user got an error.

Really? Oh, Man...

We thought we were in pretty ideal shape. v3.7.3 had been given to quite a few people over the last month or two, and it was working great both internally and in external testing. But, right after release, a user had a copy error on Catalina, and it was quite weird so we ran it down.

During development, we were doing some investigation into copying of some uncopyable attributes, and at one point we found an optimization that allowed us to skip a read operation, since we already had the data.

But, when implmented, there was an expansion-related mistake in one access to the variable, which caused an error in some rare circumstances.

Although, again, we couldn't reproduce the problem internally (I hate that, since it makes it hard to generate a test case to guard against this kind of thing in the future), we nevertheless ran that to ground quickly after v3.7.3's release (ah, v3.7.3, we never really knew ya), and out the door went v3.7.4.

So there you go! Two quick releases, two small fixes, one panicked change of underwear, and one other fix. A good way to spend a Thursday.


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