Quick Fix Friday, September 13, 2024

Not much to say, other than "we fixed a bug".

SuperDuper checks the version of the OS on a give drive by checking the SystemVersion.plist, which is stored in /System/Library/CoreServices.

On some systems, we've found that that file is missing a value that we assumed would always be there. That assumption led to a crash at launch for some (two) people.

This version fixes that problem.

Download SuperDuper v3.9 B5

New macOS / Adoption Tuesday, September 10, 2024

tl;dr (although this is unlikely to be "l") - SuperDuper v3.9 Beta 4 is now available for download. This is the release candidate for v3.9.

(St|F)umbling Towards Sequoia

Probably the wrong headline, since our Sequoia testing has gone well. Beta 4 has some changes that fix a longstanding minor-but-annoying issue: an 'unlocked' copy of SuperDuper, if launched from a backup drive (typically because a user launches from Spotlight, and it returns the wrong copy), fails when it tries to run.

The reason for this is technical, but basically the authorized part of the app is not authorized when run from an external drive, for security reasons. As such, it fails, and it used to do this in an obnoxious way.

Well, now, we recognize this case and prompt for a password. We also update the "lock text" to reflect the restriction (you can't unlock when run from an external, non-boot drive).

Yes, hold onto your butts—this beta release is exactly that exciting.


After the rather sad postscript to the last blog post, I'm happy to announce the arrival of the fourth under-the-desk dog: Cooper!

After Haku's passing, a veterinary technician, who works with Zabeth, let her know that a 4-year old Bernese had been surrendered by a couple who were going to euthanize him, and that he was available for adoption. We headed up to Lowell Animal Hospital, met with him, and decided he was perfect.

He's been an "instant dog", fit into the family perfectly, and has been a delight over the past few weeks.


So that's about it! Download away, and let us know if you have any issues. Barring unexpected surprises, the final version to be out day-and-date with Sequoia's release next week.

Download SuperDuper! v3.9 B4

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