Practices Make Perfect (Backups) Wednesday, February 21, 2018

We've been getting a lot of questions lately about the APFS image bug (recently documented by Mike Bombich, author of CCC) where, when an image container can't grow, APFS doesn't reliably indicate an error, which can silently lose data. Worse still, double-checking the data seems to indicate it's OK—even a checksum succeeds—until you eject, at which point the data is lost.

This looks to be another manifestation of a problem we've known about for years (and documented in the User's Guide back in 2006): when an image can't grow, whether due to disk full errors, or because the host volume doesn't support large files (eg FAT32/EXT2), writes to that image can fail catastrophically.

Failure is Inevitable, Success Requires Planning

Whether the problem is a bug in the OS or a hardware error, failure is inevitable. But if you implement a successful backup plan, you can protect your data, even in the face of this sort of adversity.

So let's take a moment to talk about "best practices" for backup devices and methods.

Simpler is Better

This should be obvious, but is often ignored in the search for convenience (or expedience): the fewer layers there are between your computer and the storage device, the more reliable your backups are going to be.

What do I mean by that?

This: you should write directly to a local drive. That's going to be your most reliable, bootable solution. Don't write to an image stored on that drive. Don't format it as a foreign file system (like NTFS) and use a special driver to access it. Write. Directly. To. The. Drive.

Of course, things can still go wrong! But recovery will be easier and faster. Remember, a single bad sector isn't likely to take out your whole backup...but it could destroy an image.

You Can't Start Up From a Network Drive or Image

This is pretty basic, but important. You can only boot from a backup written to a properly partitioned and formatted, locally connected, non-network drive.

You can't boot from a disk image (it's not a "real" drive), whether it's stored on a local or network drive.

But I Want to Store More Than One Backup on a Drive!

If you need to store more than one backup on a physical device:

  • If you're on 10.12 or earlier, partition the drive into the number of volumes you need to back up. So, three source volumes to back up? Three partitions on the backup drive.
  • If you're running 10.13 or later, format the backup drive as APFS, and use APFS's very flexible "volumes" as your backup destinations, one per source volume.

We hear all the time that people are using images to "make more efficient use of space". That's the wrong thing to do—there's just no other way to put it. An image needs to be able to grow to its maximum size, unimpeded, no matter what. Images do not necessarily "hug" the data inside them, and may grow to full size even when their contents are smaller.

If the image cannot grow, it's quite likely you will corrupt that image and lose the data in it. So you need to have all the space available anyway!

High Sierra's native APFS volumes do this better. All the volumes share the same storage pool, and allocate that storage intelligently, managing that storage better than images ever did. Use them.

But I Want to Store Backups on the Same Volumes as Some Data!

Don't ever do this, except in a short term emergency situation.

What people seem to forget is that the data they're storing their backups alongside also needs to be backed up. And if you're storing your backup on that same volume, you're probably not backing up the data.

This is a mistake. A huge mistake that we see way too often.

Typically, we'll hear from people who work with large amounts of data, such as photographers, designers or musicians. They'll move their "older" work to an "archive" volume, and they'll want to store backups of their current work alongside that archive.

But they'll often forget they need to back up their archive too!

Don't be a goofus. Having an archive volume is fine. Keep it separate from your backup volume. And back it up.

But I Want to Back Up to a Network Volume!

OK, so we've covered the cases where you've got local drives. The best thing to do, to local drives, is to never use images unless you absolutely need to. Never.

But what about a network drive?

First, I truly believe you should never, ever use a network drive as your only backup. It's fine to have a network backup as a secondary backup. But by its very nature, it's going to be the least reliable one. It's not only subject to the potential flakiness of images, it's also subject to the flakiness of networking in general.

It's one thing when you try to access a web site and the page doesn't load. It's another thing entirely when the network "burps" when you are updating the structures of a backup volume.

You've probably already seen the result of this kind of failure. That message Time Machine displays that says "In order to improve reliability, we've started a new Time Machine backup"? That's because the image failed...and your backups have been completely lost. (Kind of a mild sounding message for a catastrophic failure, don't you think?)

So, here's my advice for networked backups.

If you're using a desktop, and you have a modern NAS device that supports iSCSI (like a Synology or QNAP), purchase an iSCSI initiator (like the Studio Network Solutions GlobalSAN initiator, or ATTO's Xtend SAN), create an iSCSI volume, format it natively for the Mac (as HFS+ or APFS) and back up to it directly.

Yes, iSCSI volumes are also containers, but those containers are managed on the far side of the connection, rather than the near side. As such, a near-side failure is much less likely to corrupt the container...and more closely resembles a typical local drive failure, which are almost always repairable by Disk Utility.

If you have a laptop, or can't use iSCSI, create a share that has more space than you need to back up, and back up to a sparse bundle. If your device doesn't support sparse bundles, use a sparse image.

Broad Spectrum Protection

Remember, you should never rely on a single backup device, or a single backup program. No matter what you're using for your backups...use something else too.

So, if you're using SuperDuper!, also use Time Machine, preferably to a separate device. Have multiple backups, with both SuperDuper! and Time Machine. And use something like Backblaze, so you get an offsite backup!

Backup Frequency

As I've indicated in the User's Guide, I suggest a daily, weekly and monthly backup with SuperDuper. It's easy to do - just make three schedules to different drives.

I set up my weekly and monthly backups "on connect" - that is, when I plug in the drive (which I keep separately), SuperDuper! launches, copies and then (since I've set an "On successful completion" action), ejects the backup and quits.

My daily backup is left unmounted but connected. SuperDuper! launches every day, mounts the drive, makes its copy, and then unmounts the backup.

I leave Time Machine on its default schedule, so it's doing a roughly hourly backup.

And Backblaze is backing up continuously.

Be Smart, and Don't Cheap Out

As I've said many times, no one was ever sad because they had too many backups.

Drives are inexpensive. It costs less then $100 (more like $60) to get a 1TB USB3 external drive. For $10 more you can get 2TB. 512GB External SSDs are less than $200. Spend the money. Your data's worth it.

Don't let your data loss story serve as a warning to others. Be the hero who planned ahead and saved your family's precious photographs. We're happy to be the invisible partner alongside you as you save the day.

Just remember the most important rule of all...

All Apologies Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Turns out, a few of you have drives that don't have low-level media IDs...something we thought all drives had. And they did, at least, all the drives we and the external testers tried did.

Well, now we know...and, now we don't crash. Sorry about that.

Fix now available in v3.1.4 - download away!

SuperDuper! 3.1.4

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