We've been pretty happy with the way v2.7's been behaving out there in the Big, Beautiful World, but as my previous posts indicated there were some bugs that we needed to deal with.
And deal we have: I'm happy to announce the v2.7.1, available today, has resolved the vast majority of them:
We've fixed the "too many open files" error, and the "index out of bounds" exception. While we were doing that, we improved our error handling even more, and added additional, more specific diagnostic messages during a failure that will help you (and us) pinpoint the cause of disk errors when they occur.
The statistics in the "status view" and in the log have been corrected. Previously, they were underreporting the number of files and bytes copied in some situations (even though the files were being copied as they should have been).
10.4.11 users had a minor problem with Growl notifications that has been dealt with, too.
A fix for automatic mounting under 10.8 is still in progress (it's not a simple fix, even though we know what to do).
That'll do it for now—we'll head back to the code mines to work the remaining seam while you surface dwellers enjoy.
Hope you had a great Labor Day weekend!