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csabatino 11-07-2009 09:41 PM

Error during copy: SD is hanging when "Copy Now" is initiated.
This log messaging [below] is actually further than I have gotten since I deleted the folder at ~/Library/Application Support/SuperDuper!/Saved Settings/ Before SD! was started up.

I deleted this in hopes to solve an earlier issue with SD! on this machine:
SD! would quit unexpectedly when attempting "Copy Now". Could not find a log file or reason.

Have not seen anything describing this issue on the Shirt Pocket forums. This SD! was working before 10.6, so I'm stumped. SL was a clean install and an updated SD! was downloaded directly afterwards.

Had to resort to CCC for backups, but want to get SD! going again.

Anyone else having the similar issues? Any suggestions?


:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::

| 08:17:37 PM | Info | SuperDuper!, 2.6.2 (87), path: /Applications/SuperDuper!.app, Mac OS 10.6.1 build 10B504 (i386)
| 08:17:37 PM | Info | Started on Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 8:17 PM
| 08:17:37 PM | Info | Source Volume: MacHD1 Master_StartUp, mount: /, device: /dev/disk1s2, media: WDC WD1001FALS-41K1B0, interconnect: Internal SATA, file system: "Journaled HFS+", OS: 10.6.1 (10B504), capacity: 160.00 GB, used: 49.51 GB, directories: 134577, files: 483973, ejectable: NO, ACLs: Enabled
| 08:17:37 PM | Info | Target Volume: MacHD3 Master_BackUp, mount: /Volumes/MacHD3 Master_BackUp, device: /dev/disk2s2, media: ST31000528AS, interconnect: Internal SATA, file system: "Journaled HFS+", OS: 10.6.1 (10B504), capacity: 160.00 GB, used: 49.00 GB, directories: 134571, files: 483859, ejectable: NO, ACLs: Enabled
| 08:17:37 PM | Info | Copy Mode : Smart Update
| 08:17:37 PM | Info | Copy Script : Backup - all files.dset
| 08:17:37 PM | Info | Transcript : BuildTranscript.plist
| 08:17:37 PM | Error | LOGGED EXCEPTION: NSInvalidArgumentException, reason: -[NSCFArray _invalidateGStatesForTree]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x2f44320, userInfo: (null)

dnanian 11-07-2009 10:49 PM

That's a pretty weird error (and kind of implies that your system might be damaged). Let's try deleting SuperDuper! and the "SuperDuper!" folder in Library/Application Support/SuperDuper.

Then, restart your Mac and give it another try.

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