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dnanian 06-20-2005 05:28 PM

New Macworld Review - 4.5 stars!
I'm really happy to announce that SuperDuper! was just reviewed by Dan Frakes of Macworld Magazine, in the Mac Gems section.

SuperDuper! 1.5.5 was awarded 4.5 stars -- with the only failing being a lack of scheduling. (Those of you here likely know that scheduling will be featured in v2.0: I'm discussing various bits of v2.0 in my blog , and there are some screen shots in there, too.)

Thanks, Dan!

Pendragon 09-05-2005 09:21 AM

I was eager to see what Dan had to say re SD vs. CCC.

It was (of course) reassuring to see that Dan agrees with me. :)

dnanian 09-05-2005 09:59 AM

We were delighted to see that as well! (I don't have my copy yet, but it's coming...)

LGLDSR 09-06-2005 12:26 PM

Scheduling - Current Verison

Originally Posted by dnanian
I'm really happy to announce that SuperDuper! was just reviewed by Dan Frakes of Macworld Magazine, in the Mac Gems section.

SuperDuper! 1.5.5 was awarded 4.5 stars -- with the only failing being a lack of scheduling. (Those of you here likely know that scheduling will be featured in v2.0: I'm discussing various bits of v2.0 in my blog , and there are some screen shots in there, too.)

Thanks, Dan!


First and foremost I need to thank you for your patently superb support PRIOR to the Sale. I hadn't spent Dime One and yet you answered at least a half-dozen emails. I've been in IT for 24 years and your level of Support is beyond excellent.

I may be asking a redundant question here....but is there no scheduling in the current verison? I have certain directiores I'd like to backup on a nightly basis.

When should 'Target Disk Mode' be enabled for a Clone?

When is it advisable to create an Image rather than a cloned copy of the boot disk?



dnanian 09-06-2005 12:56 PM

Hi, Lyman. It's Dave, actually, not Dan. (Dan Frakes is the guy who wrote the review.) :)

Anyway -- there is the ability to schedule in the current version: see Section 12 of the User's Guide for the technique to use.

I'm not sure what you mean about "Target Disk Mode" -- you'd really only use that if you wanted to copy to another computer's hard disk directly, as it would basically turn a computer into a FireWire disk drive.

Images are typically used when you can't write directly to a drive. For example, if you want to store a backup on a NAS, you'd use a sparse image, because you can't write directly to a network drive. (A DMG can be created if you plan on restoring it a lot, such as in a lab situation -- otherwise, the up-front time of converting doesn't pay for itself.)

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